IMO’s CEO talks to HIT Like A Girl

Listen to CEO Ann Barnes discuss IMO’s unique piece of the HIT puzzle and the importance of women mentoring women on the HIT Like A Girl Podcast.

Supporting women in the field of health information technology, or HIT, is a passion project for IMO’s CEO, Ann Barnes. So, when she was presented with the opportunity to speak with Joy Rios and Robin Roberts of the HIT Like A Girl Podcast, joining the conversation was a no-brainer. The podcast is committed to amplifying the voices and contributions of women in the healthcare and health IT industries, while supporting the community they’re creating along the way.

In the interview Ann discusses IMO’s important work in the HIT space, along with how mentorship is the key to supporting women in order to set the stage for a future with more female leaders in healthcare.

Find the episode here or listen below.

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