Life Science and Clinical Research

Unlock deeper insights and identify accurate cohorts

Extract meaning from clinical, biomedical, and real-world evidence data with domain-optimized tools and services customized to meet your unique needs.

With support from industry-leading NLP experts and data scientists, IMO Health solutions for life sciences deliver reliable insights from medical literature, patient data, and real-world evidence along with standardized codes and precise cohort definitions.


General healthcare NLP models often fall short

When knowledge grows and changes rapidly and training data is not optimized in medical domains, it can be difficult to create NLP solutions that accurately identify and extract relevant concepts. NLP vendors often lack the necessary experience to deal with the complexity of clinical and biomedical language, account for nuances, and identify relationships between words and phrases. In addition, solutions built on open-source NLP models often require significant investment to add the necessary domain expertise.

Real-world data is typically dirty and incomplete

Accurate and well-organized patient data is critical for recruiting patients for clinical trials, understanding the patient journey for a particular disease, and assessing the benefits and harms of medical treatments. However, inconsistencies in EHR data, real world evidence, and the implementation of interoperability standards, create data that is highly variable and lacks specificity. These gaps in data require a great deal of manual intervention and can drain clinical resources.

How we help

Increase accuracy and efficiency

Enhance insight generation using specialized NLP models for clinical documents, literature, and trial protocols

Ensure complete details and accurate code mappings for diagnosis, procedure, medication, and lab data

Streamline workflows to define clinically consistent selection criteria and manage precise patient cohort inclusion

Meet your unique needs with customized end-to-end NLP solutions for annotation, fine tuning, reporting, and more

Latest Ideas​

Read an excerpt from our latest white paper exploring how NLP and generative AI can be used to advance disease phenotyping and
Ready to make complex clinical data usable? Learn how NLP technology, data normalization engines, and value set management tools can help.
Read an excerpt from our latest white paper exploring how NLP and generative AI can be used to improve clinical trial design

Ready for more robust clinical data and reliable research?

Speak with an expert about how IMO Health can help extract meaning, standardize data, enable more precise cohorts, and power insights you can trust.