Big ideas. Better outcomes.

Fresh perspectives on clinical AI, interoperability, healthcare data standardization, and more, from the experts at IMO Health.

With tasks like developing vaccines and rolling them out now firmly under our belts, it might seem like we’ve tackled the challenges
If any year could highlight the massive effort it takes to keep clinical terminology updated, 2020 – with its release of several
The fact that the letters IMO don’t just stand for Intelligent Medical Objects isn’t lost on this medical coding company. Indeed, we
While social and economic factors have always influenced public health, concrete policy actions to address these disparities on the federal level have
Optimizing EHR workflows can save clinicians plenty of time and frustration. Read on for a closer look at how to improve medical
If you’ve worked in or around the medical problem list, you know there’s a code for every calamity – even the ones
Dale Sanders began his relationship with IMO as a client and brings three decades of experience to the company. He will be
It’s safe to say that many of us have missed in-person events over the past year – whether they were birthdays, weddings,
Monoclonal antibody infusion therapy is showing great promise as a treatment option for specific COVID-19 patients. Finding those patients, however, can be
The fact that the letters IMO don’t just stand for Intelligent Medical Objects isn’t lost on this medical coding company. Indeed, we
In a data-driven society, it’s no surprise that the amount of information generated in the healthcare sphere is vast. That’s both good
The racial and social justice challenges in 2020 had a profound impact on IMO’s leadership team. Our CEO, Ann Barnes, shares how