
Nobody likes wasting time. But for clinical informaticists, it’s part of the gig – anywhere from 40% to 90% of it, in
IMO updates its clinical terminology several times a year, ensuring each Regulatory release is as smooth as possible for clients. Here are
Healthcare data standardization is important, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. So, what do we mean when we talk about normalization in
Clinical informatics struggles? A data quality manager might be the answer.
CMS’ latest report proposed major changes to Medicare Advantage reimbursement structure and the clinical documentation used to capture HCCs.
IMO updates its clinical terminology several times a year, ensuring each Regulatory release is as smooth as possible for clients. Here are
Learn how 5 industries overcame their unique barriers to data quality and how their approaches could help healthcare to solve similar challenges.
RxNORM® terminology identifies identical drugs listed by different names, an important need for healthcare. Learn more in this primer.
Dr. Matt Cardwell, IMO’s SVP of Client Services and Operations, explains how a good clinical translator can help prevent clutter and improve
IMO updates its clinical terminology six times a year, ensuring each Regulatory release is as smooth as possible for clients. Here are
Data quality in healthcare isn’t a new topic – but ways to ensure excellency are always improving. Here are some takeaways from
The annual ICD-10-CM update is an important part of the medical coding landscape. Here, we look at five things to know about