Charlie Judy

Chief People Officer

Charlie Judy joined IMO Health in November of 2019 as its first Chief People Officer. He now leads a collaborative effort to manage the culture and employee experience that attracts, connects, and advances our world-class workforce.

Charlie came to IMO Health with over 26 years of experience as an HR executive with some of the world’s most prominent professional services firms including Baker Tilly, Navigant, and Deloitte. Most recently, he disembarked from an entrepreneurial venture building a successful company around a workplace culture assessment model, technology, and analytics platform.

Charlie earned his Bachelor of Science in Management from Tulane University’s AB Freeman School of Business. He is also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), a certified Senior Professional of Human Resources (SPHR), and a Society for Human Resources Senior Certified Professional (SHRM-SCP).

More from Charlie Judy

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Building a positive workplace culture is key for companies who want to make sure their employees are engaged in and excited about their work. Building a thriving culture, though, takes strategic and thoughtful effort. IMO’s Chief People Officer, Charlie Judy, breaks down how to purposefully develop culture so that employees can thrive.