Trademark Guidelines
Proper use of IMO trademarks is important. You may use IMO trademarks or product names to refer to IMO products and services provided you follow these guidelines and such use is factual and, unless otherwise agreed by IMO, does not mislead consumers as to any IMO sponsorship, affiliation, or endorsement of your company, or of your products or services.
1. Trademarks are proper adjectives that modify generic descriptors. Trademarks are not nouns or verbs.
CORRECT: IMO® terminology provides clinicians a way to enter a diagnosis for a patient without altering the language they would normally use for that diagnosis.
INCORRECT: IMO® provides clinicians a way to enter a diagnosis for a patient without altering the language they would normally use for that diagnosis.
2. Trademarks should not be used possessively. However, when referring to IMO as an organization rather than a trademark, possessive use of IMO is appropriate.
CORRECT: IMO® terminology’s capabilities are unmatched in the industry.
INCORRECT: IMO®’s capabilities are unmatched in the industry.
CORRECT: IMO’s capabilities are unmatched in the industry.
3. Trademark ownership should be prominently attributed to IMO with the appropriate trademark symbol (TM, ®).
4. Include a statement of IMO’s ownership of its trademarks within the credit notice section of your product, product documentation, or other product communication where you reference the IMO trademark such as:
IMO is a registered trademark of Intelligent Medical Objects, Inc.
5. Do not use or include any IMO trademark in your product name, service name, or company name.
6. Below is a non-exhaustive list of our registered trademarks.
- Intelligent Medical Objects
- IMO Anywhere
7. Product names should always be referenced in their entirety.
CORRECT: IMO Precision Sets
INCORRECT: Precision Sets
8. Our logos may not be used without prior written permission. For approval, please contact