Complimentary procedure list evaluation

Understand the state of your scheduling data and its impact on the OR.

Your surgical scheduling procedure list is a critical tool that contributes to (or disrupts) scheduling accuracy, operational efficiency, and revenue integrity.

Over time, whether you’re adding services, removing obsolete procedures, applying code set updates, or integrating new sites, it’s no surprise your procedure data may end up with:

  • Vague, unspecific procedure names
  • Missing or wrong CPT® codes
  • Duplicate terms
  • Inconsistent naming conventions

Want to see where your data stands? Just follow the steps below:

  1. Fill out this form.
  2. We’ll email export and sharing instructions.
  3. IMO will assess your file, then outline findings; identify possible side effects (workflow disruptions, denials, etc.); and provide recommendations for improvement.

CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

Get your assessment

Already talking with IMO? Notify your representative to have this assessment done for your organization.