How long have you worked at IMO, what is your role, and what does it entail?
I’ve been at IMO just shy of two years. I started in January 2020 as the Director of Talent Acquisition, where my job is to work with business leaders to build and execute a hiring strategy to complement the high growth at IMO. My work is more than just writing job descriptions and filling open roles. Our team is focused on the impact of each position on the company, what a new hire will contribute to IMO, and what that individual will get out of that particular role.
How does your job at IMO add value to our clients?
The people we’re bringing into IMO have a direct impact on the company’s products, growth, and direction – which in turn adds value for our clients. The impact our employees make on healthcare isn’t lost upon us when we’re looking for new talent, and it’s one of our favorite things to engage with candidates about.
How has working at IMO changed your perspective as a patient, an employee, a manager, or otherwise?
When I was interviewing at IMO, something that I kept coming back to was the fact that everyone I talked to was so passionate about the work IMO does. As a recruiting leader, I knew this was unique because there was no “faking” that passion and candidates would be able to feel that too when interviewing. I’m really proud to work for a company that positively impacts healthcare every day and even more proud to help bring in new talent to continue that work.
This is IMO. Authentic, caring, supportive. Experiencing that personally confirmed I was in the right place and made me feel good to be bringing others into this organization.
Kristin Carey Tweet
How have you grown professionally or personally since you started working at IMO?
One thing I’ve had to become really comfortable with is being more nimble. With the world and job market changing so much over the past few years, “the way we’ve always done things” doesn’t work anymore. We’ve had to become comfortable with hiring people that we’ve never met in person, and we’ve adjusted to introducing them to IMO remotely rather than on site. That’s allowed us to be more creative and innovative when telling our story. We’ve worked on it as a recruiting function, but we’ve also been successful in partnering with our managers to help show who IMO is in a remote environment as well.
Tell us about a moment, an exchange, or an experience you had at IMO that made you realize, “I’m in the right place.”
I always knew I wanted to be a mom and have a career. Juggling two things you care about and work hard for is incredibly challenging. Not too long ago, my 2-year-old was having serious health issues while I was 38 weeks pregnant with our second child. It was an incredibly stressful time for me and our family. However, during that time, I discovered who IMO is as a company.
I found that my boss consistently told me that family came first, and he would carry the weight of anything I needed at work. My team was incredible and took tons off of my plate, and I also had people from other departments reaching out to offer help, support, and kind words. This is IMO. Authentic, caring, supportive. Experiencing that personally confirmed I was in the right place and made me feel good to be bringing others into this organization to experience that warmth. I now have two healthy girls and am back doing the work I love doing. I feel so lucky I get to work at a place where I feel supported personally while being able to grow professionally.