In health informatics, a value set is a collection of codes or terms that are taken from a healthcare terminology and then grouped together. These groups, or lists, of codes help create patient cohorts designed to achieve a specific objective. Hospitals and health systems often create their own value sets or leverage publicly available ones to identify these patient cohorts, as they can help inform quality reporting and support better clinical decision making.
However, the quality of value sets* matters. A lot. Without thoughtful and deliberate development, along with meticulous maintenance, the value of value sets is diminished. And without input and guidance from experienced clinical terminologists, it’s easy to question their validity.
In this technical white paper, Eric Rose, MD, IMO’s Vice President of Clinical Informatics, explains the detailed architecture of IMO Precision Sets, IMO’s value set solution. The paper explores how IMO Precision Sets are built to leverage our market-leading clinical interface terminology solution and describes the processes by which IMO Precision Sets content is built, tested, and maintained.
*Epic users may know these as “groupers.”